Our success is based on our excellent employees. We recruit and retain the right people by providing excellent benefits, a good life/work balance and the encouragement to develop on both a personal as well as a professional level.

Our people:

  • Achieve an intuitive insight into our customer’s business by understanding their needs and responding passionately to their requests.
  • Continually innovate to challenge the way things have traditionally been done and as a result deliver a better and more flexible solution for customers.
  • Are honest and committed to meeting customer objectives.
  • Strive constantly to improve in order to meet and exceed the highest expectations of our customers and stakeholders.
  • Get a buzz from their work and from their colleagues.
  • Are proud of the products and services we provide and strive to earn the respect of our customers, our suppliers and our industry, acting professionally and ethically in everything we do.
  • Share in the collective success of the company and we celebrate the individuality of each person’s contribution.

We will do all that is reasonably practicable to ensure the Health, Safety and Welfare of all employees, sub-contractors and visitors to the company’s premises or to any customer sites where it is carrying out works. In particular, we recognise responsibilities to:

  • Provide and maintain safe and healthy systems of work, plant and working conditions and to observe statutory requirements.
  • Provide information, training and supervision and instruction to enable employees and sub-contractors to perform their work safely and efficiently.
  • Make available all necessary safety and protective equipment and devices and to supervise their use.
  • Maintain a continuing interest in Health and Safety matters.

To this end we set and maintain high standards of Health and Safety behaviour at all company locations and when working on customer sites. The promotion of Health and Safety is regarded as a mutual objective for management and employees at all levels, and therefore employees are required to co-operate with the company regarding the following:

  • By using protective equipment and devices provided by the company
  • By meeting their own statutory responsibility to work safely in their own interests and others (failure to do so will lead to disciplinary action being taken)
  • By reporting accidents or incidences that might lead to injury or damage in the prescribed manner
  • By assisting in the investigation of accidents to introduce measures to prevent recurrences
  • By not interfering with or misusing anything provided in the interest of Health, Safety or Welfare

We will meet or exceed all relevant current or expected statutory regulations, official codes of conduct and other requirements that the we adopt or may adopt.

In the course of our operations and activities and within resource constraints, we will improve our environmental performance by managing:

  • Sustainable resource usage
  • Waste minimisation and recycled materials
  • Energy and efficiency
  • Prevention of contamination
  • Purchasing
  • Transportation

Where manufacturers, suppliers and contractors are used we will specify that these contractors adopt our policy.

We are committed to total satisfaction by understanding customer expectations and meeting these expectations through the fulfilment of our commitments.

Our specific quality objectives are as follows:

  • To deliver all products and projects to agreed timescales and to the satisfaction of the customer.
  • To provide services to agreed service level targets and to the satisfaction of the customer.
  • To identify and implement corrective actions so as to learn from mistakes.