
in News
The Metasphere MMIM, together with the STRATON IEC61131-3 programming language, is being deployed on Line 2 of the Panama Metro system.

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Frazier Engineering chooses AU2MATION solution for remote rain gauge monitoring.

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Western Virginia Water Authority chooses AU2MATION solution for remote monitoring.

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Red Lion Controls has launched its Graphite Crimson® Control Module, incorporating STRATON® to provide support for IEC 61131-3 programming languages.

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Steve Mustard is presenting views on Industry 4.0 and IIoT at the upcoming MD&M Minneapolis and PLASTEC Minneapolis event.
PlasticsToday interviewed Steve Mustard in advance of the conference. You can read the results of the interview here:

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From Houston Public Media: "Earlier this year, President Barack Obama created the 12-member Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity. In May, commission members traveled to New York to hear about cyber-threats to banks and insurance companies.